Forum on varied topics with opportunity for open discussion.   Topics and presenters include:

Jimmy Goeijenbier:  Exploring contemporary Irish repertoire into piano lessons, aiming to broaden students’ musical exposure and foster a deeper appreciaation for contemporary music.

Maria Greenan: Memorisation – teaching memorisation as a skill in its right and recognising its potential in the development of musicality and confidence.

Ella Nagy:  A Hungarian-Russian-Irish perspective on the importance of teaching technique for optimal learning and performance experience, for both hobby -pianists and those learning piano seriously.

Kim Shepherd:  Challenges of teaching beginners at different ages.

David Vesey: Piano competitions and exams as framewords for teaching.

Jason Yang:  Maximising Potential:  Strategies for Strengthening Student-Parent-Teacher Relationships in Piano Education.

Discussion chaired by Dr Mary Lennon TU Dublin Conservatoire

Sunday 21st April, 2024, 3.00 pm. Sandford Parish Church, Dublin, D06 A9P8