Annual General Meeting 2020 October

Annual General Meeting 2020 October

Our Annual General Meeting will take place on 6th October in Leeson Park School of Music, Grove Park, Rathmines, Dublin 6 at 2.30 pm. The AGM will be followed at 3 pm by     MUSIC READING SKILLS FOR PIANISTS With LIEZL-MARET LIVINGSTONE The Eight Levels of...
Pedalling Workshop

Pedalling Workshop

Sunday 24th March, Leeson Park School of Music, 3-5 pm Pedalling workshop with Shirin Tobin and Colma Brioscú History of pedalling Introduction to pedal at approximately Gr 2 level Repertoire for introduction to pedalling Use of pedal extension for smaller children...
Alexander Dubuque and John Field

Alexander Dubuque and John Field

Sunday 27th January, 3-5 pm in Leeson Park School of Music, Grove Park, Rathmines, Dublin 6. “Alexander Dubuque and the Pedagogical Legacy of John Field”.  Ludmila  Podlesnykh will introduce the following topics: Field and his significance for the Russian piano...
Old Meets New

Old Meets New

  Old Meets New Embracing technology in one’s piano teaching practice with Dr Archie Chen. Wednesday 21st November, 11am to 1 pm, DIT Conservatory of Music & Drama, Chatham Row, Dublin 2 Incorporating Historically Informed Performance Practice (HIPP)...
Inside the Piano – A Piano Technician’s Insight

Inside the Piano – A Piano Technician’s Insight

Sunday April 22nd, Leeson Park School of Music, 3 – 5 pm Martin Walsh, a piano technician, presents an insightful seminar of the inner workings of the piano. He will explain the importance of the main components of the piano mechanics, and how a good technician...